FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions About Basic Facts

We’ve found that people need to ask a lot of questions about workers’ compensation because there are so many special terms used and so many facts to absorb.  There are a lot of definitions, details, and rules all laid out in state law and regulations that can complicate things.  If something about your situation doesn’t fit a precise legal definition, that might cause a delay.  Disagreements and disputes need to be handled according to the laws and regulations.

BWC’s main website has two good resources that will answer many of your specific questions about basic facts and details. They will also define some unusual words or phrases – workers’ compensation lingo – that you may have heard and can tell are important.  Look for these two things on the BWC website: Injured Worker Questions and Answers and the Injured Worker Glossary.

You can go directly to these two BWC resources using these links:

Injured Worker Q&A

Injured Worker Glossary

As already mentioned, BWC's Handbook for Injured Employees also has useful information that may answer questions you have.

Finally, your question might be addressed in the section on this website called Needs and Concerns.

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