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  ACOEM Guideline:

Preventing Needless Work Disability by Helping People Stay Employed

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Reference and Resources You May Find Useful

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ACOEM Work Disability Prevention Guideline (Addressed to all stakeholders; includes a good bibliography)

"Preventing Needless Work Disability by Helping People Stay Employed" from the American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, May 2006.  The full guideline is available here or on ACOEM’s website at www.acoem.org.  On the ACOEM website, select "Policies and Position Statements", then "Guidelines", and then "Preventing Needless Work Disability by Helping People Stay Employed".  (Jennifer Christian, MD, MPH chaired the group that developed this guideline; David Siktberg served as manuscript consultant.)

ACOEM Guidance for Attending Physicians (Addressed to all treating clinicians)

"The Attending Physician's Role in Helping Patients Return to Work after an Illness or Injury" from the American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, April 2002.  (Jennifer Christian, MD, MPH led the group that developed this position statement.)

New Tools for assessing function and facilitating return to work for people with mental health problems.

"Assessing and Treating Psychiatric Occupational Disability: New Behavioral Health Functional Assessment Tools Facilitate Return to Work" by the Partnership for Workplace Mental Health (American Psychiatric Association)

Assistance for employers in managing employees with mental health conditions in the workplace or returning them to work successfully.

2006 Business & Economic Plan for Mental Health & Productivity featuring "Employers Getting Started" from the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction & Mental Health

Press Coverage   




A Sprinkling of Internet Resources


American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.

See especially Policies & Position Papers.


Chronic Illness Coaching

Rosalind Joffe coaches people with chronic illness on how to thrive in the workplace.  Her website has good articles.


Disability Key

Carolyn Magura is a former HR executive and a person coping with progressive chronic illness who provides practical advice to other people in similar situations.  Website has practical tools.


Disability Management Employer Coalition

See especially their publication list.  If they have a chapter near you, get involved!



Excellent distilled collection of practical, informative articles and pertinent scientific papers.  Australia-based, but relevant everywhere.


Occupational & Environmental Medicine (OEM) list-serv

3700 professionals worldwide - main emphasis is on occupational health & safety, OSHA, MRO, DOT, toxicology.


60 Summits Project

Founded by Webility's President, the 60 Summits Project is now a separate non-profit corporation.  It has catalyzed summit planning groups in 8 states (OR, NM, CA, ND, MN, AZ, OH, FL).  With the help of its first charter North American sponsor, Prudential Financial, the 60 Summits Project is now starting work in 5 additional jurisdictions.


The Medical Disability Advisor

Disability duration guidelines.  This is a commercial product, but the best of its kind, in our opinion.  Jennifer Christian, MD, MPH, served as chair of the Medical Advisory Board for the 5th Edition.  Webility developed the training course, "MDA 101: How to Use The Medical Disability Advisor in Disability Case Management".



Daily news summaries and other resources for all 50 states with California emphasis.


Workers Comp Insider

See their excellent list of internet resources.



Reference Material on a state-by-state basis, e.g., laws, regulations, etc.

New or Newly Discovered Resources

Webility Library

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